減重過程中,選對有效的方是絕對必要的,有相對的付出也是很合理的事(金錢、耐心與配合的態度與學習的付出),然後ㄧ舉成功瘦到理想的目標體脂肪比率與身材,轉變為易瘦體質,一勞永逸;但許多人卻貪圖所謂的神奇誇大快速的減重方式,往往變成減重症候群受害者,花更多錢與時間補救,一生受苦。無法成功減肥不復胖 Good posture is the quickest, easiest way to look better -- and several pounds thinner -- in your favorite bikini. Slouching takes inches off your height and makes your tummy look rounder. Practice good posture by keeping your back straight and your shoulders back. Distribute your weight evenly on both hips. Your body, and your reflection, will thank you.